Thursday, September 16, 2010

yuck, old iced tea; a horse is drooling on my face.

as i type right at this momento,
i am OBSERVING a game of guns, power, and sex.

Yes. I said the word sex.

Anyways, i am the damsel in distress.
Stuck with a bunch of ol' hooligans.
Old fools..
Old pieces of poo.
Don't bamboozle with me now!
Hell to the no.

Yes.. I said hell.

Roberto Alejandro Fernando here sitting next to me shooting his bazooka,
is the old bum on the streets, drinkin his crown whiskey, petting his slobbery dog,
and lying to me.
Lying to me about revenge of the siths on star wars,
and is full of shit.

Yeah...I said shit.

And Little Trevor the bloody little magical elf,
is the seeker of love.
He wishes to impress his mistress of inver hills,
and do some fucking magic.

Now that is impressing...

Fucking is a good hobby.

very good for excercise...