Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blow this joint.

I hope to keep a personal journal like this for many years..
And i know technology is only going to become more and more advanced and shit, so... It will be as simple as a snap.

Snaps sometimes are difficult though... Whatever though, good comparison.

I really want to get back into school. I'm killing to get out of this state. Even if that means leave loved ones behind...

I'm on a search for the one. My soulmate. Whether that be a male or female.
I know i may never find such a person, but it's possible...

Today i want to draw.
Draw. Draw.
Your face is inspiration,
your body moves with such grace & pattern.
Your mouth the focal point.
Your sweet..
Twirl around my pad.

My charcoal utensils....

I think i found a very important piece of myself.
The artist in me.
I indeed, am the strangest person i have ever known.
And if i ever shall find someone as awkward as, well, I...
I don't know how i will react.
I will find you fascinating,
but intimidating.
You already scare me, just imagine.
Possibilities will flourish!
Probably too many to handle at once,
but its alright..
we have all yet of life to discover!
I just hope your ready for it, my dear.
