Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day...One last thought.

If you voted for Obama and you are a college kid tonight I hope you enjoy being unemployed and living with your parents. Those among you with kids have doomed them to less opportunity and to have to shoulder the debt you have wrought on your country by choosing the path of wreckless indifference and personal greed. I hope you enjoy higher gas prices, food prices, and far less freedom. I hope you understand why you will have less choices for medical care and why that quality of care will be diminished. You will have to watch as your children wait in line behind iresponsible people and those that dont pay into our system before they get what you work hard to provide them. You will have to watch as your elderly parents cant get medicare, and more importantly, cant find a doctor willing to take it. If you depend on someone in your family in the medical field get ready to live on far less. If you are Jewish, get ready to see the consequences of ... treating politics as a team sport. Gone are the days when Jews (or anyone else) could aspire to the medical profession and expect to earn a living consumate with the effort they put into achieving. If you are graduating college I wouldnt pack up your room. In short as our nation continues to suffer from a "leader" who apologizes to our enemies, makes us out to be the problem, and thinks the only path to sucess is to take from the workers and give to the dregs I earnestly hope you are keenly aware of your part in this. Whatever you do do not come to me for help when the above befalls you, I will be doing my best to avoid this monstrosity of a govt you have helped to wrought upon your fellow countrymen and this offense goes far beyond " I told you so". We are not simply in disagreement on an issue we are on fundamentaly different planes of reality. I hope you are in a union because you just voted to pay more taxes so the annointed few can retire early and get better pay and benefts than you. You helped support a candidate whos stratregy was to empower all the pople in society who drag it down including the people who are here illegally. You have devalued your vote, your citizenship, and your own currency. You have betrayed the fundamental principles this country was founded on to play "elitist liberal roulette" with our futures and get some temporary goodies from the govt on the backs of your kids. I have no respect for you. I have no sympathy for you. You are beneath contempt. You are traitors to your country and selfish elitist swine. May the next four years be as miserable for you as it will be for those you have wrought this disaster on.

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