Sunday, October 20, 2013

It's only a Dream....

  Like most nights, i can remember at least one or two segments of dreaming that goes on in my head when i wake up from sleep. That was just a dream... Sometimes i have to tell myself that every day...sometimes all day because it was that effective of alterating my thoughts and creating a strange mood for me to sit in all day...

It's true, the more you record/write down your dreams right away once you wake up, it does improve your ability to remember more or think back. I find myself having deja vu moments frequently. Kind of like yesterday while i was on break at work in the back making myself a cup of tea... Little things like remembering i have been here doing this before... but that is not possibly as i have only worked there a couple weeks. Its so interesting to have that feeling. I've learned to really appreciate it. And sometimes when i find myself upset or pissed off all day due to an odd dream that lasted what seems hours and hours, i think for a second... hmmmm. This is actually so fascinating that this alters my mood so much.. And why? I don't know.. It's only a dream?

It's becoming significant to me.. these signs, symbols, similar places, lengths, times, etc. Everything is remarkable. 

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